Spiritual Significance of Orange in Shamanism, Magick, Witchcraft and Occult Practices

Spiritual Significance of Orange in Shamanism, Magick, Witchcraft and Occult Practices ~ By the Beckoning Broom Sacerdotes

The colour orange is a vibrant and energetic hue that can be found in nature, in art, and in many spiritual practices. This warm and lively colour is associated with the sun, fire, and the element of air. In spirituality, shamanism, magick, witchcraft, and the occult, the colour orange has deep symbolic significance and is often used in rituals, spells, and ceremonies.

In many spiritual traditions, orange is associated with the sacral chakra, which is in the lower abdomen and governs sexuality, creativity, and emotional expression. This chakra is linked to the element of water, and orange is said to represent the flow and movement of emotions, the joy of living, and the expression of one's innermost desires.

In shamanism, the colour orange is often used to symbolise the transformative power of fire. Shamans use fire in their ceremonies to purify and transform energies, and orange is said to represent the heat and intensity of the flames. Orange also symbolises the journey of the soul, as it moves from one state of being to another and is often used in shamanic journeys to represent the path of transformation.

In magic and witchcraft, orange is associated with creativity, confidence, and success. It is used in spells to promote creativity, increase self-esteem, and attract success and abundance. Orange candles, containers, crystals, and herbs such as orange peel and cinnamon are often used in magic rituals to harness the power of this vibrant colour.

In the occult, the colour orange is linked to the sun and is used in rituals that involve solar magic. It is associated with the energy of the sun, which is said to bring warmth, vitality, and abundance. Orange is also said to represent the life force and is often used in occult practices to promote healing, vitality, and renewal.

In conclusion, the colour orange holds significant spiritual significance in many traditions and practices. It represents creativity, passion, and transformation, and is used in rituals, spells, and ceremonies to harness its energy and power. Whether you are a shaman, witch, or simply someone interested in exploring the spiritual significance of colour, orange is a vibrant and powerful hue that can help you connect with the energies of the universe and the deepest parts of yourself.

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