Mini Sacred Lovers Solid Bronze Ornament
- Description
This mini bronze lovers amulet is a very cute 20mm long and 25mm high. This lovers ornament is genuine solid bronze. It is hand-cast in moulds and then hand-finished, ensuring that it will last for generations.

In the past, every year at Beltane the God and the Goddess perform their sacred marriage. This ensured a bountiful harvest and good weather for the coming year. At this high time of spring, people would dance, sing, eat, and make love as a form of sympathetic magic to ensure the continuing fertility of the Earth.

In almost every ancient pagan tradition, there are always two guardians that regulate the ebb and flow of the energies of the world. They determined when there was life and when there was death.

The God was sometimes called the High King of Summer and had a strong connection with the sun and the suns powers. He loved, served and protected the Goddess and their children. A key element of his character was that he would die for those in his care.

The High King of Summer was the awakener of the Great Goddess. It was said that he filled her with love until that love spilled out of her and onto the Earth, bringing food and water to all equally. The great Goddess did not have favourites, all living being were her children and she loved them all fiercely.

As long as there were seasons, the God and Goddess were doing their dance of life, death and rebirth. Pagans and witches respect and honour their union as the greatest mystery of all. This is manifested as the wheel of the year where they celebrate the God and Goddess's dance and how it is mirrored in their own lives.

Have Your Sacred Lovers Blessed
The Beckoning Broom priestesses recommend that you have your items blessed.
Their blessing holds 3 intentions:
1. To add protection to your magickal workings
2. To infuse the item with a powerful energy force
3. To bind the item to ethical use
Blessing includes the infusion of our protection mantra "Always to help. Never to harm". It is anointed with our sacred moon water and essential oils charged by the elements.
This blessing means your Beckoning Broom item is imbued with power. The priestesses' magick breathes life into it transforming the item into a highly potent tool for your magickal deeds.
You can learn more about our Blessing here.
Features and Further Details
Additional Features: Rare to find ornament. People have used this to create a divine union and fertility in their life.
Includes: 1 Mini Solid Bronze Sacred Lovers
- Length 30mm
- Width 20mm
- Height 20mm
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