Medium Handmade Ritual Black Salt in Glass Skull Jar
- Description
This is premium black salt. It contains 100% natural ingredients. It is based on quality Australian sea salt from the Pacific Ocean. We added yule ash from our yearly sacred yule fire, which is a traditional ingredient making it black. Then mixed in harvested witches burrs that have been ground. The impressive skull jar is 12.5cm high and 8cm wide.
As well as being a powerful spell ingredient, it is also a bewitching alter piece.
These three ingredients are pure and hold a high level of power. Finally, we carefully pour it into a glass skull jar with a cork lid so no plastic has interfered with the energy of this black salt.
The majority of black salt from other sellers is just table salt, chemical black dye and often uses lots of plastic.
Caution: This black salt is for spell work only. Do not ingest.
Your Ritual Black Salt
The use of black salt in magic comes from Voodoo and Hoodoo. Salt is a high vibrational cleanser and the colour black absorbs energy. Black salt is protective and does its job well. Traditionally it's used to break curses, hexes and the evil eye.

Black salt is put into gis gis and mojo bags, worn or rubbed on the body and sprinkled on doorways to keep certain people out. Using black salt to transmute negativity inside you and around you is powerful transformation magic. By getting rid of the unwanted, it forms 'compost' for new things to grow.

Witches use black salt because they understand the simple fact of life, that before spring comes there must be winter. Getting rid of negative people, thoughts, habits and manifestations is the only way to allow the fruitful aspects of your life to take effect. People often try to build positive or helpful habits in their lives without getting rid of the things that are holding them back.
That's why witches work with their shadow selves, the power of winter, darkness and empty spaces, so the foundation is first lain to then start working on what they want to bring in.

Black salt isn't well known as a tool for manifesting but in fact it is an important precursor to abundance, love and healing spells. Before preparing spells, workings or pryers use black salt to absorb blockages that are stopping your intention from taking place.

Place some black salt in your hands and tell it to suck out all blockages and negativity. Imagine everything you don't need moving through your body, down your arms and into the salt. Dispose of the salt in the bin. Do not put salt on the Earth as it can ruin the soil and stop plants from growing for generations.

Black salt is also used in spirit protection. It keeps away spirits that mean harm to you and frightens away mischievous otherworldly beings that enjoy bringing bad luck.
Fairies and being from other realms have different social rules to humans. It is very easy to insult nature and elemental spirits. They have strange rules such as no loud noises on Saturdays and they don't enjoy being verbally thanked, gifts of food are acceptable but gifts of clothing are extremely rude.
For this reason, carrying black salt on your person in a bag or vile, and keeping some in your car and on window sills and under chairs will keep these otherworldly beings from trying to harm you or ruin your day. Magical protection can make you a less appealing target for fairy tricks.

Black salt is very useful when used alongside sage smudging. Sage smoke sweeps the aura clean and cuts energetic cords while black salt absorbs negativity, curses and ill wishes like a sponge. Use both of these ingredients before any spell or ritual to get the most out of your magical workings.

Have Your Ritual Black Salt Blessed
The Beckoning Broom priestesses recommend that you have your items blessed.
Their blessing holds 3 intentions:
1. To add protection to your magickal workings
2. To infuse the item with a powerful energy force
3. To bind the item to ethical use and higher vibrations
Blessing includes the infusion of our protection mantra "Always to help. Never to harm". It is anointed with our sacred moon water and essential oils charged by the elements.
This blessing means your Beckoning Broom item is imbued with power. The priestesses' magick breathes life into it transforming the item into a highly potent tool for your magickal deeds.
You can learn more about our Blessing here.
Features and Further Details
Additional Features: High quality 100% natural premium ingredients
Includes: 1 Medium Skull Jar of Handmade Black Salt, Witches Burrs and Yule Ash
Approximate Size:
- Height: 12.5cm (5")
- Width: 8cm (3⅓")
- Depth: 11.5cm (4½")
- Weight: 415g (14½oz)
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