Mini Sacred Basilisk Solid Bronze Ornament
- Description
This mini bronze basilisk is a very cute 30mm long and 30mm high. This basilisk ornament is genuine solid bronze. It is hand-cast in moulds and then hand-finished, ensuring that it will last for generations.
The Basilisk or Cockatrice is a mythological creature that was popular in medieval Europe. It is said to be the product of the egg of a toad or snake, hatched by a cockerel or a cockerel's egg, for nine years. The product is a cockerel/snake hybrid that has a crown marking or crown-shaped comb on its head.
Its eyes have the power to cause petrifaction and poisonous breath that kills anything it touches. Its breath is so poisonous that the spear that strikes the basilisk also kills the person welding it and their steed.
The rue plant, sacred to Italian witches, is said to be the only plant to withstand the basilisk's poisonous breath and the weasel is the only animal that kills the basilisk with its stink.
Basilisk magic is used for repelling unwanted people and ridding them from your life. Working with the basilisk is a wonderful alternative to hexes. Basilisk energy keeps people away, stopping them from thinking of you and cuts your unwanted ties with negative people. Hexing people can have serious consequences and can be returned to you threefold through karma. Hexing also connects you strongly with that person through energy cords which can drain you when that person suffers.
Working with the basilisk allows you to walk away from situations that are beneath you, cutting those energy cords and protecting you while you find a different path to walk. Basilisk does the dirty work for you, keeping your conscience guilt and hate free.
Have Your Sacred Basilisk Blessed
The Beckoning Broom priestesses recommend that you have your items blessed.
Their blessing holds 3 intentions:
1. To add protection to your magickal workings
2. To infuse the item with a powerful energy force
3. To bind the item to ethical use
Blessing includes the infusion of our protection mantra "Always to help. Never to harm". It is anointed with our sacred moon water and essential oils charged by the elements.
This blessing means your Beckoning Broom item is imbued with power. The priestesses' magick breathes life into it transforming the item into a highly potent tool for your magickal deeds.
You can learn more about our Blessing here.
Features and Further Details
Includes: 1 Mini Solid Bronze Sacred Basilisk
Approx Size:
- Length 30mm
- Width 15mm
- Height 30mm
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