Zoom A pack of 12 orange candles in a black box saying Magic Spell Candles Confidence on the front. It rests on a mossy rock.
Zoom A pack of 12 orange candles in a black box saying Magic Spell Candles Confidence on the front. It rests on a mossy rock.
Zoom Two orange spell candles rest on an open grimoire with a string of pearls.
Zoom Two orange spell candles rest on an open grimoire with a string of pearls.

Orange Spell Candles for Confidence

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Unleash your inner power with our pack of 12 Orange Spell Candles. These candles will ignite your confidence and help you tap into your full potential.

Perfect for those who embrace witchcraft and spiritualism, these candles are designed to enhance your spells and rituals.

Light one up and watch your confidence soar and start harnessing the power within.

Every colour has a frequency and affects our brains differently. Colours can also alter our emotions and our auric field.

Orange is the colour of autumn and autumn is the season of the final harvest. Therefore the colour orange is linked with abundance. Our bodies are also linked with the colour orange in our sacral chakra. This is the energy centre in your lower belly. This energy centre is responsible for the fertility of the body and mind.

When the sacral chakra is activated and energised it promotes creativity, sexual confidence, strong self-esteem and healthy emotional expression. By working with the colour orange, you can bring your sacral chakra into balance and work with the harvest energies of the earth. Bringing abundance and self-expression to your creative centre.

Candle magic is fast working, even instantaneous. Using fire as the focal element of your spell gives your intention life, power and drive. Because candle magic is very focused and intense, make sure your spell's intention is short, sharp and to the point.

Be very clear and do not have a negatively geared intention which is for example ''I am now highly confident'' rather than ''I don’t want to feel insecure anymore”, which is positively geared and less confusing for the behind-the-veil entities and your subconscious to understand.


Why have your spell candles blessed?

Introducing the Sacerdos’s Blessing, a powerful addition to our line of spiritual products.

A sacerdos is a Latin non-gendered term that refers to a priest or priestess in the ancient Roman, Celtic and Gaul religions.

At Beckoning Broom, the priests/priestesses prefer the ancient non-binary term sacerdos to describe themselves.

This Blessing is optional. Blessing includes the infusion of our mantra "Always to help. Never to harm", anointed with moon water and sacred essential oils charged by the elements. 

This blessing means your item is no longer ordinary. The sacerdos’s magic breathes life into the item transforming it into a powerful tool.

With our blessing, the item will be significantly more potent for its use in magick. Our blessing gives it power and divinity, making it an official magickal tool. 

Experience the power of the Sacerdos Blessing for yourself and see the difference it can make in your life. Feel the energy of the blessing in every use.


Your spell candle details:

Pack measures

  • Height 10.5cm (4¼")
  • Width 7cm (2¾")
  • Depth 2.5cm (1")

Each candle measures

  • Height 10.5cm  (4¼")
  • Width at base 1cm (¾") 

Orange Spell Candles for Confidence



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