Secret Lockable Wooden Pentagram MAGICK BOX With Lid + Key for Tarot, Runes, Jewellery, Charms, Accessories
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Your Wooden Magick Box
This wonderful solid timber Magick Box has a secret section and hidden lock with a bronze key. On the lid is a golden pentagram. Perfect for keeping your magickal items in. Perfect for your set of tarot or runes. It makes a wonderful gift too.
The pentagram is an ancient magical symbol proudly used by witches as our sign. But you may have wondered what it means and why it's used so much. The five-pointed star, to witches, represents the enlightened human. With the arms outstretched all-embracing, feet firmly planted on Mother Earth and head looking upwards into the infinite universe. It honours our human nature, seeing it as powerful, wise, loving and respectful. The pentagram also acknowledges that we as humans are made up of the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit with each point representing an element.
With a circle surrounding a pentagram, it becomes a pentacle. The circle is the circle of protection that witches cast. Surrounding the enlightened human is made up of all the elements in a powerful shield of energy that they themselves have woven from their own power.
The pentacle protects the witch from all ill, directed to them but also emanating from them. Giving complete protection from the inside out. By having this pentacle engraved on your book of shadows, the love, protection and acknowledgment of personal power give out strong energy that is nurturing and uplifting. Protecting your sacred writings from unwanted eyes and attention. No wonder witches love this beautiful sign so much!